Department of Paediatrics
Our Vision is to be competitive and visible locally, nationally, regionally and globally in our core mandates of medical education, patient care, research, community and child global health through strategic planning and partnership with the private and public sectors
Our Mission is to be a reference point and leader in the following:
Transforming paediatric medical education across it’s continuum of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education.
Providing quality patient care that is safe, effective and evidence-based, timely, patient-centred, efficient, and equitable.
Conducting and disseminating cutting-edge translational and life-course, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary, clinical, basic and population research.
Building capacity on principles, procedures and practices on safe child health in communities including schools, foster homes, medical homes.
Creating and collaborating with primary healthcare networks in communities to expand access to primary child healthcare.
Advocating for policies, legislations, and resources for healthier lives in children across their developmental age groups.
Building strong academic leadership and governance
To accomplish our mission, we will:
- Provide a conducive, collegial and collaborative environment for teaching and learning.
- Nurture an environment and practice that enriches the healthcare experience and satisfaction of children, patients and their families as well as students and staff.
- Develop capacity on teaching, adult learning and assessment concepts.
- Build competencies on evidence-based medicine, quality improvement and patient safety and audit.
- Prepare compassionate and competent medical graduates, residents and fellows
- Foster research and scholarly inquiry in clinical, educational and community-based activities
- Build collaborative multidisciplinary, interdisciplnary and interprofessional working
- Support and promote faculty development on core mandates.
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of academic and clinical activities.
- Create and expand access of newborn, infant, child and adolescent to preventive and curative primary
- care through community-based collaborative primary health linkages and networks.
- Provide exemplary and efficient secondary and tertiary care for children
- Optimize clinical and subspecialty growth, visibility and authenticity.
- Redefine child health in the 21st century in our immediate neighbourhood communities.
- Serve as advocates for the health and well-being of children of all ages.
- Provide leadership in the realm of paediatrics, paediatric education and research.
- Integrity and justice
- Excellence and distinction
- Quality and safety
- Transparency and precision
- Diversity and equity
- Creativity and innovation
- Global competitiveness and visibility
- Research and scholarship
- Multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach
The uniqueness of our specialty-Paediatrics and the wide-ranging subspecialties anchors on the diverse developmental age categories of children and scope of services we provide to promote health, prevent diseases/injuries, and treat diseases/injuries in children including premature and term newborns at birth, infants, toddlers, preschoolers, schoolchildren, adolescents and young adults within the ages 0-18 years and during their transition to young adulthood (18-21years). We pride ourselves on this privilege and awesome responsibility of nurturing today’s children, who are tomorrows adults and leaders!
Children are not miniatures or fractions of adults! Children differ from adults anatomically, physiologically, immunologically, psychologically, developmentally, and metabolically. Helping children in their uniquess to attain their full biological, physical, psychological, mental and social potentials remains our ultimate goal.
We accomplish these laudable goals by promoting health, preventing disease//injury and treating illness! This overarching goal is fundamental to our core mandates of medical education, patient care, research, community and child global health engagements.
We partner with individuals, families, communities, primary health centres and networks, schools, foster homes, medical homes, government and non-governmental agencies, professional groups, foundations and other stakeholders in both public and private sectors to achieve our goals and objectives to provide access to healthcare to children in our neighbourhood communities and everywhere!
We hope you will be inspired by our vision, mission, values, goals and objectives to join us in this awesome responsibility of caring for todays children everywhere, who are tomorrows adults and leaders!
We welcome you to work with us for all children!

Prof Christy A.N. Okoromah
Department of Anaesthesia
You are welcomed to the Department of Anaesthesia, in the Faculty of Clinical Sciences of the College of Medicine, University of Lagos. We have a culture of excellence in our education programs, and research. The Department is made up of seasoned and erudite consultant anaesthetists and intensivists, which include one Professor and two Associate Professors of anaesthesia, one Senior Lecturers, and three Lecturer I.
The department located on the first floor of the Institute of Child Health building of the College of Medicine, comprises of offices for academic and administrative staff, an 80-capacity well-equipped lecture hall, a 40-capacity seminar room with facilities for simulation and training in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, a well-stocked departmental library and relevant conveniences.
The department runs an undergraduate training programme for Dental and Medical students in their clinical years as a follow-up to the Basic Therapeutic Skills and Basic Clinical Skills exposure as well as two Postgraduate programmes viz: Diploma in Anaesthesia of the University of Lagos and the Residency Training Programmes for the Fellowship of the National Postgraduate Medical College and the West African College of Surgeons.
Courses are also run for Anaesthetic Technicians, Theatre Nurses and Midwives, Accidents and Emergency Nurses and Ophthalmic Nurses. We also organize training on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for hospital staff as well as corporate bodies and Institutions.
Special areas of clinical and research interest of academic staff include cardiothoracic, paediatric, maxillofacial and obstetric anaesthesia as well as pain management, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and critical care. In 2017, the Department was accredited as a training center for a post-fellowship training programme in paediatric anaesthesia by the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologist (WFSA).
Academic members of staff engage in clinical and laboratory research which is evidenced by the increasing number of publications emanating from the Department. The Department of Anaesthesia is committed to maintaining excellence in anaesthesia through quality education and research.

Prof. Ibironke DESALU